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Post-tennis, I picked up Davis from preschool, whereupon he threw a fit because I wouldn't let him ride in the booster seat. That's a second kid thing. At age 3, Ava probably didn't even know what a booster seat was, and certainly didn't have a clue that it was an option. Davis, however, has ridden in one a bunch of times once or twice, and, not surprisingly, prefers it over the prison of the 5-point restraint. Don't judge. I did manage to insist on the safer option today.
On the drive home, D's little eyes were at half-mast. So sleepy. And once in the driveway, fit #2 ensued because I was making him go inside, rather than ride his scooter. I shuffled him to the sofa, turned on a show, and figured he'd fall right asleep. Silly me. So naive! Thirty minutes later, he's still awake.
All this to mention a few things I'm looking forward to:
1) A glass of wine tonight (and believe me, there was a moment when I almost poured one a few minutes ago, before realizing drinking alone at 2pm is not really okay).
2) I'm getting my hair did this afternoon. Cut and color. I will be thrilled to see the distinct line between gray/brown roots and blonde highlights go away.
3) This time next week I'll be in Vegas. With no kids. A grown-up trip is way past due, so I can't wait for it to get here!
And, we're staying here:
So, if I can just trudge through the next 6 days, I'll get some much needed downtime.
Have a great weekend!
Oh, you'll have to e-mail me and tell me where. The photo didn't come up in the post I"m reading. I also want to invite you a blogging thing on 12/2 that I"m hosting with another blogger. I'll e-mail soon.