So, in the midst of all of this, we had to pack up the kitchen. That ended up being a one day job since I was laid up in bed all day Saturday. You know, if you're going to pack up your kitchen, you probably might as well just move. I don't think any other room in a house can fill as many boxes as the kitchen. It all got finished just as the workers were pulling up this morning.
So, here's the before: (and now you know why I need a new kitchen).
Yesterday I sold our old stove, and on Saturday night, I ordered our new fridge and range. They will be these:

To save a little money, I opted not to have the ice and water dispenser on the door. This particular Samsung model was on MAJOR sale, so I just decided to go with it. I also had visions of Davis thinking the water dispenser was a pretty cool thing to play with. It does have in inside water dispenser, so that's fun. Besides, I'm replacing an almond-colored freezer-on-top model, so let's be honest. This is a giant step up.
I'm most excited to be switching up to a gas range. That was one of my I'm-not-budging items. I went with this model:

Now, those won't be installed for another 3 weeks, but I wanted to go ahead and purchase while they were on sale.
Now, if I can just get everyone healthy and back to school, I might start feeling like I have some control over my life.
I hope you are feeling better. You are going to love your new kitchen.