Monday, January 30, 2012

Weekend Surprise

On Friday afternoon, my mom came to Raleigh for a visit. She had called the day before and offered to spend the night at our house so that Morgan and I could have a date night without having to shell out cash for a sitter. Wasn't that nice of her? So, we went out for dinner and a drink, followed by a movie. It was great to get out, but I could hardly stay awake for the movie. We saw Mission Impossible 4. I'm pretty sure I've never seen 2 or 3. That's okay, though. It's not all that heavy on plot or character development. And I still have trouble looking at Tom Cruise without thinking he's going to leap onto the nearest sofa.

When Top Gun was THE movie, I was maybe 9 or 10 years old. I wasn't really old enough to appreciate the beach volleyball scene, but I did know that Tom Cruise was pretty hot. In fact, I was so into him that I wrote him a fan letter. Nice. I got one back, too. I can't remember if I thought it was actually from him or not, but it essentially thanked me for being a fan, and included a photo of him in a fighter jet. I wonder if I still have that somewhere?

I digress. The surprise of the weekend came when my mom was getting ready to leave on Saturday to go back home. Davis announced that he wanted to go with her, and that's all it took.(I've trained him well.) Twenty minutes later he was packed up and heading away. I thought he'd come back home yesterday afternoon, but then my parents offered to keep him another night. I jumped all over that. I love him to death, but lately he really gives me a run for my money, and this break was just what the psychiatrist ordered. 

While he's been gone, he apparently got glasses and took to reading the sports page (sorry, Facebook friends, I know you've seen this):

I think he looks just like my dad in these pictures. 

My mom is a complete news junkie, so I'm kind of surprised it was the sports page and not the NY Times. I would imagine that he probably just wanted to read more about that Tar Heel victory over NC State Saturday night. He's a good fan that way. He really loves Roy Williams and hopes to earn a walk-on spot in 2027.

So, it's been mighty quiet around here all weekend. We enjoyed some quality time with Ava, and it was nice to have her all to ourselves. I've finally gotten my kitchen unpacked. I'll share pictures later this week, but it sure is nice not to have workers showing up at my house every morning. 

I'm getting Davis back in about an hour, and I'll be happy to see his little smiling face. At least for a few hours. 

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